two professional men pulling a rope

Braiding the Cords

There are several elements necessary for a collective impact alliance’s success:

  • Shared vision
  • Shared data
  • Coordinated activities
  • Continuous communication
  • Operational support

Each of these puzzle pieces are crucial for ensuring that an alliance is sustainable and beneficial—not only to those being served but to the alliance members themselves. Burnout and overwork are rampant in the nonprofit sector, and adding the stress of poor communication or unsuitable partnerships can fuel this (preventable!) fire.

As an established backbone organization, Mission Mutual works to equip mission, ministry, and philanthropic organizations (of similar vision) with the organizational and relational perspective needed to accelerate and enhance their collective impact. We carefully assess candidates for compatibility and draw up plans for collaboration and forward motion, keeping the urgency of the organizations’ chosen mission at the forefront. Our team compiles information collected from the open, ongoing conversations with each partnering organization. Then, our team members craft bespoke strategies and communication plans based on real-world experience and thorough research, easing the burden of planning for all involved. Most importantly, we walk with you and partnering organizations the entire time. We are ready for troubleshooting, mediating, and providing a third-party view on issues.

The opportunities available through the intertwining of driven, compassionate organizations are virtually endless. We at Mission Mutual are honored to facilitate and promote inter-organizational strategies that advance the Good News of salvation and affirm the dignity of each man, woman, and child, created in the image of God. By adding your “strand” to others’, you add strength, capacity, and the power to change the world.

“A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” — Ecclesiastes 4:12