Privacy Policy

Mission Mutual highly values your privacy. This privacy policy was created to clearly define Mission Mutual’s stance on privacy for our website users. This policy explains what information is collected by and how Mission Mutual uses this information. 

Personally Identifiable Information and Their Potential Usage 

Website users that utilize the contact form voluntarily provide us with contact information (including name, e-mail address, and additional information provided in the comment section). Mission Mutual uses this information on a limited basis for specific purposes. At any time, you may request to be removed from our active communications list(s) by emailing us at 

All personally identifiable information collected enables us to reply to your request(s); provide personalized e-mail messages; etc. Opting out from our communication list(s) will result in a discontinuation of all future communication from Mission Mutual until further notice. 

Email Privacy 
Mission Mutual’s policy is to not provide, sell, or rent email addresses to anyone outside the organization. 

General Data Collection and Their Potential Usage 

Data and metrics collected from our website (such as IP addresses, cookies etc.) lets us better understand user traffic patterns, their origins, and frequencies. This information collected does not disclose personal information in relation to our website users. If desired, cookies automatically placed in your web browser can be blocked or removed by navigating to your browser’s settings. 

External Links includes links to external websites. Mission Mutual is not responsible for the privacy policies for those externally linked sites. Any navigation to those site(s) is to be done at your own risk.  

Privacy Policy Amendments 

Mission Mutual reserves the right to modify this privacy policy on our website. Your continued usage of this site after any change(s) to the privacy policy are made is an agreement and consent to the latest version.